learning to burn April 2021

i’m learning how to hold or touch you without burning or burning out. 

marches, rallies, meetings was not enough. 

sex, dates, phone calls was not enough. 

we require more, so we do more to find completion. 

how can i find peace in the streets if i have none between the sheets? 

i was asked what is the connection with black liberation and sexual freedom. 

everything. nothing. something. one thing… 

the answer. 








that thing that liberates us. 

truly liberates us. 

its the answer for us to be free. 

i’m “free” yet i can’t be honest with you. 

i love her, she, we, me, he, they, them…all. 

if there exist no hypocrisy, perhaps, maybe if…a democracy, 

can manifest within the prefiguration of our movements. 

with the perception of your movements. 

with the raindrops of your soothing. 



a more evolved me before the ruins. 

if I'm here for the people as a rEvolutionary and think nothing of it. if I'm here as a cultural worker and think nothing to sing freedom songs until we are free and even then to remember when we weren't. then how could i not, why should i not lend a different witchery? one that could potentially, kinetically liberate not only freedom yet myself. 

a healing to heal the healers to heal more healers that need healing. 

and I'm happy to be at a vulnerable moment to show it in praxis. 

maroon on 


peace and unconditional revolutionary matriarchal maroon love 

all power to the people 

y pa'lante mi gente 

.) stay light keep creative remain free 
(. spiritchild 

@Lady RemedyAnn 
@1010windz @xspiritmental

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